I'm lovin' the cute little number buttons you can download on their website.
We had parent teacher conferences Monday and Tuesday evening. Something I like to share with parents is their child's self-evaluation. I enjoy learning about the children's perspective on how they're doing and what they think of school. Here is my revised self-evaluation from the one that I posted last year.
Many of my children said through their self-evaluation that Reading Workshop was something they enjoyed about school! That was music to my ears.
We finished up rounding and moved to estimating sums this week. I concluded rounding with an activity called Scoot that I found from another blogger. The children scooted around the room from one task card to another. Each card contained a rounding task. They met with a partner when finished to compare answers. If their answers didn't match, they both went to that task card to determine the answer together. They did well collaborating with their partners.
I ended the week at a conference featuring of my favorite book authors on differentiated learning......Carol Tomlinson! The title of today's conference was Differentiation and the Brain: how neuroscience supports the learner- friendly classroom. This is also title of her newest book. I will share some tips from this conference on my blog. She's amazing!
Finally, I want to give a shout out for the Breast Cancer Research Fundraiser at TPT during the month of October. 151 resources were donated for this project and divided into 7 booklets.They will be available October 1st. Proceeds will go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Have a great weekend!