Saturday, September 9, 2017

Off and Running

   The new school year is underway. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you may remember that last year I had a big change, teaming with two other teachers. The three way rotation took a bit of getting used to but we made it work. This year I'm still teaming with the same teachers, however I am taking on the Language Arts for all three classes. Yeah....75 third graders for reading with Ohio's Third Grade Guarantee looming over pressure😳Thankfully, my two colleagues are great to work with and we support each other 100%.    Another positive, I love to teach Language Arts, so teaching it three times a day is awesome.

     Something new I found for reading this year are finger lights for the kids to track their reading. The kiddos love them! On Friday, we shut the lights out for Read to Self time and they used their finger lights to read.   Another way I found to use them is to find text evidence in guided reading and shine a light on the evidence. It's a little thing that gets them motivated.      

Another thing new this year that I'm doing is to begin each class with either a short growth mindset video or have a related quote on the board to read and talk about. The first week of school I read "Your Fantastic Elastic Brain" to each class so they understand the language used with growth mindset.When I say "exercise your brain" or "your brain is getting stronger" they know what that means. It's a good way to start each class.

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It

 Hope your start of the school year is going well! 


  1. Great idea. I use the finger lights to highlight pictures on a communication book for kids with vision impairments. I love hearing about new ways to engage kids with inexpensive hacks.

    1. That's another great idea for using them. Thanks for commenting. :)

  2. My kids love using finger lights, too! We've been focusing on growth mindset regularly also. I just ordered The Great Elastic Brain to add to my growth mindset library!

    1. Your kiddos will like the book. I even was amazed reading how our brain works. :)



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