Friday, September 21, 2012

Good Readers....

 Reading workshop is launched and well under way after four weeks of school. I've learned to take elements from various programs such as Literature Circles, Daily Five, Guided Reading, The Four Blocks ( I'm giving away my age with this one.), etc. and use what works for me as a teacher based on my style. 
  My personal preference is to use Reading Workshop as time to meet with my guided reading groups while the rest of the class partner reads or reads to self. I end reading workshop with a "book share". It may be one of my guided reading groups that share what they read, or I may call on a set of partners to share as well as the silent readers.
   I also like to focus on one good reader strategy at a time to practice. Usually by second semester, my class is ready for Book Clubs where each member has a job based on the strategies learned. I run it much like a literature circle adapted to our needs.
  The freebie I'm sharing are the Good Reader Strategies that the students keep in their binders for reference.  

 What works for you when teaching reading?

Balancing  new ideas with my style,



  1. Thanks Carol. I am giving a signed copy of my book The Time Travel Storm to my new followers if you are interested. :)

  2. I like how you add the comprehension strategies to your students' binders. Thanks for sharing!

    Teaching With Style



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