Mrs. Mauro's Kinderverse to check out their giveaways.
I'm linking up with Collaboration Cuties for Social Studies Mentor Text.
I use my book, The Time Travel Storm, as my mentor text while teaching the Communities Past and Present Social Studies Standard. I integrate Language Arts Standards into the unit as well since the school master has such a defining personality. It is easy to pull in character traits with supporting evidence. The children use the story to compare school then and now.
The main characters in the story, Alex and Scott, get separated from their class during a storm while on a field trip. They find themselves in a one room schoolhouse in the 1800's. The children reading the book experience what school was like then through the eyes of Alex and Scott. Click here to view the Book Trailer.
The children enjoy comparing school then and now using the school house as the venn diagram.
I have created free resources to go with the story. Click here. For my 100 follower celebration I will be giving away a signed copy of the story for your classroom. I will announce when the giveaway is after I round up some contributors and figure out the rafflecopter. :)