Friday, May 22, 2015

Five Ideas for the End of the School Year


1. Have the children fill out book recommendations for the students coming into your class next year. Display the recommendations near your classroom library at the beginning of the year. I use my Reading Workshop Exit Tickets for this. Click to download them here.

2. Plan a Hobby Day where students may show and tell about something they like to do. The children use a guide sheet to talk about their hobby and bring something to show. We display the hobbies on our desks and walk around the room to look at the different displays. I've had children bring in videos of themselves riding four wheelers, participating in dance competitions, doing gymnastics, and so on. Children have brought in doll collections, sports equipment, art work, card collections, trophies, ribbons, etc.  This is one of my favorite days of the year.

3. Eat lunch together in the classroom the last day. The children think it's special to eat in the room. I bring in an ice cream treat for them also.

4. Open time capsules from the first day of school. The children are amazed at the changes, especially how they've grown when they hold up the string I measured them with on day one. Click here to download my time capsule activity.

5. Have a game day. Allow children to bring in their favorite games from home to play.  I also let the kids eat snacks while they play.

These are fun ways to wind down the last couple of days of the year. Please comment below to share your ideas.

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