Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ten Pin Linky

 I've slacked on my posts since school's been out for summer.  I saw the Just Reed Ten Pin Linky and decided its time to get back in the swing. Pinterest has so many ideas that I can't possibly use them all, but I sure have fun pinning!

   Last week the theme was classroom decor. This week is classroom management. I'm like The Applicious Teacher in that I'm getting a late start so I'm sharing pins for both.

1.My classroom library looks a lot like this one from Smarter Than a Fourth Grader. The same color theme and baskets. So cute.

2. I learned how to make these pom poms from Pinterest and made them in my classroom theme colors.

3. Cute way to post rules for classroom management.

4. Drop box for lunch money, notes from home, etc.

5. My husband made one of these for my classroom after I pinned this.

 6. This is a cute idea for an owl themed classroom.

7. Great idea for keeping things like erasers and white board markers.

8. Group rules for classroom management.

9.  A place for children to put classroom books that need a little TLC.

10. Classroom management tool for controlling noise level.

Happy Pinning Everyone!


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