Happy Saturday everyone! I'd like to stay true to my blog premise and post tips for keeping a balanced classroom environment. There isn't a balancing act in the world that can compare to a teacher's daily balancing act! Time for intervention is one of numerous things that needs worked into an already congested daily schedule. I'm going to share what works for me after many trials and errors.
Balancing Act I: Time for Intervention
I've found that the first half hour of the day works best for my RTI time. The children are settled and work well on their own at that time. While I meet with students, the other children are working on their daily math questions, taking turns on Xtra Math, and passing the iPad around. I found an app called Teach Me that the children enjoy. They "go to school" and earn coins by reviewing multiplication, division, spelling, and sight words. Every child is reviewing and practicing skills during this time.
This is what works for me. I hope you find this post helpful!
Have a great weekend!