I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday and Teaching Maddeness for Friday Flashback.
Here are my randoms and flash backs for today...
1. Dice, graph paper, and colored pencils were the tools my kiddos used to practice multiplication arrays today. They rolled two dice to determine the factors and made an array on graph paper to represent the multiplication fact. I had them continue this until the page was filled. This was a fun way to wrap up the lesson.
2. I introduced literary mood today with the story Night Letters from our Reading Street Series. Laura Candler's website has a free printable for this that is wonderful. It's a Mood Ring organizer. Most of my kids knew what a mood ring was, so we listed some mood words on an anchor chart and decided what color each word would be on a mood ring. The children decided the mood of Night Letters was peaceful.After supporting the mood with details, the children colored the ring organizer pink.( the color we listed on the chart)
3. We've worked hard at getting our class story ready for publishing. We wrote a class Myth titled Snake Lost its Legs. We will be sending to Student Treasures for publishing in February. My little authors and illustrators are doing an amazing job.
4. We concluded the week by making model fossils using sea shells and clay. Of course this is our mold, we will pour the cast next week.
5. My Friday Freebie this week is a Reading Workshop Exit Ticket I created. I used them this week. I really enjoy their book recommendations. One of my students recommended a story to another because "she likes cats and silly things." So cute.:)