Believe it or not, I only had two teaching days this week! School was closed today due to freezing rain, we had a day of A.L.I.C.E training, and of course President's Day. I'll be stretching my Five for Friday, but here it goes....
1. We had a bombshell dropped on us during a meeting this week about Ohio's Third Grade Guarantee. According to the new law, we don't have enough teachers in our district qualified to teach third grade. This prompted me to write (my way of processing). I wrote a poem titled, "
A Teacher's Heart". You can click on the title to read.
2. My children are practicing fact fluency on a site I found through another blogger called
Xtra Math. It is free and tracks the progress of the children in mastering their facts. I get weekly email updates on their progress and even got five certificates of mastery to pass out this week. Check it out for yourself. :)
3. All my read alouds for the rest of the month are in honor of Black History Month. The children especially liked the Harriet Tubman read aloud. It sparked a lot of discussion.
4. Gotta love Pinterest- this is so true!
5. We are heavy into multiplication right now. I created a St. Patrick's Day multiplication doubles practice sheet that I'm sharing. Click the picture to download. Enjoy!