Tyler was walking to school and stopped
suddenly when he heard, "Hey kid, watch where you're going?". He
looked down and saw an angry ant shaking its fist at him.
This is how I introduce realism and fantasy.
I tell this story about one of my children and then tell a realistic version of
the same story. I list the elements of both genres on an anchor chart and we
practice identifying each genre during whole group reading using Reading Street.
After practice during guided reading, I will
put out books in a bag for reading workshop.
I choose books of similar themes, one fantasy and one realistic fiction.
My freebie is a link to the printable the children fill out to compare the two
books. I have also used the books in a bag as a take home activity. Click on the picture below to download.
This is a fun time of the year to use this activity with holiday books. Enjoy!

I just found your blog and am your newest follower! I am looking forward to getting some great reading ideas. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award for new bloggers! Just click on my blog name below and it will take you to the post with the directions!
Thank you Michelle.